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Static Calls

Track calls for any of your campaigns

Ellery Gibbs avatar
Written by Ellery Gibbs
Updated over a week ago

With the Phone Tracking add-on, Foureyes can track calls from any of your campaigns -- not just calls from your website. Each location is allotted 10 static numbers with the Phone Tracking add-on, in addition to 2 pools for dynamic tracking on your website.

How to view Static Calls? 

Your static call log is available within the Omni-tracking module on the ‘Static Calls’ page under the Leads section. You can listen to every call recorded from static numbers on your account, as well as see call details like: phone number, caller ID, call start, label and duration. Filter calls by label to see where they are coming from and by duration to weed out dropped or spam calls. 

Managing Static Numbers

You can access Static Number settings from the Static Calls page or in the Settings tab. Here you can add, edit and deactivate numbers. 

How do I add a static number? 

  • Click ‘Add Static Number’ to open the ‘Add Static Number’ modal 

  • Enter a Label to give your tracking number a unique name for reports

  • Enter the phone number where calls should be routed in the Forwarding Number field

  • Select the type of tracking phone number you prefer: Local or Toll-Free

  • Click ‘Add’ to create a new static number

  • Refresh the page to find the newly created ‘Tracking Number:’ in the Static Number card

How do I view tracking number details? 

  • On the Static Number card, click the ellipses button to see dropdown options 

  • Click on ‘View Tracking Numbers’ to open the ‘Tracking Number’ modal where you can see the tracking number, the last time the number was called and the total count of calls from the tracking number

  • Click ‘X’ to exit out 

How do I edit a static number? 

  • Click the pencil icon in the Static Number card to open the “Edit Static Number”

  • Edit Label, Forwarding Number, or Type of Tracking Phone Number

  • Click “Update” to save changes to the static number

How do I deactivate a static number?

  • On the Static Number card, click the ellipses button to see dropdown options

  • Click “Deactivate” 

  • On the modal, click “Deactivate” to confirm changes or “Cancel” to exit out

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