Within the Vendor Performance collection, you will see the option for "Cost-per-Lead" and "Cost-per-Sale" data. This can be calculated dynamically based on the leads and sales Foureyes has tracked if you provide us with budget data!
All you need to do is send over a CSV of your spend by vendor, and our team will handle the rest.
Ideally, your spreadsheet would have the following values:
Location Name
We'll format that on our side and upload it directly to our database. If anything changes, just reach out and we'll adjust!
How can I calculate cost-per data without sending you my budget?
Vendor Details and Web Traffic Report Card feature "Monthly Spend Override" fields that allow you to enter your budget manually.
Input your monthly spend with that vendor, and the report will logically parse that into a spend-per-day over the period and output CPL and CPS metrics.