Note: You can only delete "Pending" or "Active" dealers that are not attached to an existing feed.
To delete a dealer that is attached to a feed, first remove their feeds and then you you will be able to delete the dealer.
Removing a dealer with no active feeds
Navigate to the Dealers page
Click the trash can icon under actions for the dealer you want to remove
Select Remove
Removing a dealer with active feeds
Navigate to the Dealers page
Click the trash can icon under actions for the dealer you want to remove
You will receive a notification stating you cannot remove the dealer because there are active feeds. Click the link to be directed to the feed list for all feeds associated with that dealer:
Follow instructions for removing a dealer from a feed (link) for feeds that contain multiple dealers or deleting a feed (link) where the dealer you are removing is the only dealer associated with the feed. Once complete move to step 5.
Navigate back to the Dealer page
Click the trash can icon under actions for the dealer you want to remove
Select Remove