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What do the colored dots mean?

Prioritize your follow up at a glance

Ellery Gibbs avatar
Written by Ellery Gibbs
Updated over a week ago

The colored dots or avatars next to a prospect’s name visualize priority to help you identify which prospects may be overdue for follow up at a glance. They are based on when the prospect was last active on your website and the last time activity was recorded in your CRM. 

The color of the avatar indicates how long it has been since the prospect has been active on the website without activity recorded in the CRM. 

  • Yellow: prospect was on the website less than 24 hours ago and no CRM activity has been logged since the prospect’s visit

  • Orange: prospect was on the website more than 24 hours ago but less than 48 hours ago, and no CRM activity has been logged since the prospect’s visit

  • Red: prospect was on the website more than 48 hours ago, and no CRM activity has been logged since the prospect’s visit

  • Gray: CRM activity was logged since the prospect was last active on the website or within an hour before the last active timestamp. (This feature is only available with Sales Enablement. If your account is not on Sales Enablement, avatars will always be gray).  

We know not all prospects need follow-up or that logged CRM activity means the prospect has received follow-up, but this feature has been designed to help you spot follow-up opportunities more easily. 

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